
Why Should You Join the Matawan-CSA?

*Ultra-Fresh  * Locally Grown * Higher-Quality Produce  *Best Nutrition *Organic

  • The cost of fresh locally grown produce is much cheaper when you’re buying directly from the farmer. Purchasing the same locally grown produce at the grocery store means you pay increased prices since the store has to make a profit. With a CSA, the middleman has been eliminated.
  • Your leafy greens will stay fresh longer, because they’re fresher to begin with.
  • They  can be picked at peak flavor, because they’re getting to you right away.
  • Enjoy produce that has not been treated with the chemicals or preservatives necessary to mass-distribute & ship it around the world.
  • Save money on dining out because it forces you to plan better, eat more home-cooked meals with your family.

Which can only result in better health…..

Do you spend a lot of time searching for professionals you can trust with your health – doctors, dentists, fitness experts, etc?

Why wouldn’t you do the same with the food you eat?

Food is one of the most important ingredients for achieving good health, so start trusting your food source like you trust your medical professionals!

Accepting New Members for the Matawan-CSA Now!

Pro-rated Shares are available for those who join after the season starts.

Members can also purchase an optional fruit share. You can find more info here.

We also offer half-shares for those who have a partner or who would like to be matched up with someone.

Our Facebook page shows you what you might get on a weekly share: Matawan CSA-Community Supported Agriculture. https://www.facebook.com/MatawanCSA?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

If you are interested in joining, contact us: